Practice it Over
I recommend a rerecord, as I enjoy the sound of it. Just needs a little more practice though. ;)
Practice it Over
I recommend a rerecord, as I enjoy the sound of it. Just needs a little more practice though. ;)
Like it says in the author's comments...
We were bored, meaning: me and my friend were bored when we made this....
We're gonna make a better song, but not t'll we get an awesome idea.
PS. We play alot better than this, we just goofed around that day 'cause we were bored, Thanks for commenting!!!
More Change!
I liked it at first, but then I realized there wasn't enough change of pace. It's more like a loop than an actual song. More change ups!
Balance and Rythm
The first verse was a little off beat at times, and the balance of sound in the second was a little much as well. All the same, good to see you are back into creation. Keep that up. ;)
Well, I'm certainly happy now
That was happy and hardcore indeed. Felt a little repeatitive after awhile, but the bass kept it going along fine.
Repeatitive, that's a word I've gotten used to. When I first started making music, the only thing techno was, was a quick little synth beat, with kicks, repeated over and over. But it's changed recently.
However, thanks for the Review! :)
Love of Polka Holds Strong
It's mostly my love of the polka which makes me smile, though I think the bass could have been a little heavier, and other vbits of sound could have filled in the spaces of silence. Or maybe a change to the main insturments? Some sounds turn me off at times.
Really Behind Enemy Lines
Well, I certainly sense that feeling of being behind enemy lines. Playing Metal Gear Solid certainly has given me an ear and feel to how it can be, and you've done it well. Good amount of length to mix it up, giving it many different feels.
It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.
Somewhere in Wisconsin...
Joined on 3/17/09